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  • Fully Editable Slide Templates
  • For Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Made in Germany
  • World Wide Usage
  • Business Proven Products
  • Thousands of happy customers
  • Used in global Companies
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PremiumSlides Standard license

By downloading slides from PremiumSlides.com, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement and license terms. The price is final and for Standard license also includes all future updates of maps, which means that no additional purchase is required.

The slides may be used for both commercial and personal purposes such as presentations, printing, as well as for web sites, info-graphics, etc. and of course for Standard license users do not have to indicate the name of the author. You do not need an extra license for every new project and this license is nonexclusive, non-sublicensable.

The license is non transferable and it is tied always only directly with one buyer (his email address). Buyer can be either a person (natural person) or a whole company (legal person). If you buy license as a company, you can lend slides to your official (contracted) employees during the time they work in your company, but you are responsible for their use. In other words you have to supervise that their use is not in any conflict with this license and that your employee is not leaking source files to the third party. You are responsible for any damages caused by your employees.

Keep in mind, please, that it is not allowed to resell the slides as such because the slides are the property of the author. Reselling of the slides is prohibited and could be find illegal.

Please, be aware that in case you would use slides in your work for client/customer, you should include this license as a part of your product. How? You can simply save this license text somewhere visibly along with your files or add a link back to license page on www.premiumslides.com/en/license Your customer should know, that if he would like to use slides as a part of their own (another) product, they have to get their own license on PremiumSlides.com.

It is strictly prohibited to bundle slides in any presentation and slide themes, design frameworks, tools and websites and offering them as a value inside your own product.

What is ok to do:

  • use slides in your presentation or web app, web site, prints, etc.

  • change color or size of shapes as you need

  • lend slides, maps and shapes to your official (contracted) employees during the time they work in your company

  • use slides, maps and shapes in multiple projects, anytime you want

You must not:

  • include slides in any presentation / slide theme, design frameworks or tools and offering them as a value inside your own product

  • resell slides or offer them for download anywhere, mainly on the internet

  • use slides as a part of any application where your customer is not a final customer/owner (e.g., design frameworks or tools)

  • include slides in open-source projects, since this license is not compatible with most of the open-source licenses

All slides are provided "as they are" without a warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. PremiumSlides is not liable for any damages or loss of profits (earnings) caused of any defects in the slide products. All logos and trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners.®

PremiumSlides FREE license

PremiumSlides Free license is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0). The PremiumSlides Free license is only offered for country flags. The PremiumSlides FREE can be used both commercially and for personal use, but you must always add a link to PremiumSlides.com in a prominent place (e.g. the footer of a website or Presentation), include the CC-BY license and the reference to PremiumSlides.com on every page using our slides and shapes. If you want to use the slides without restrictions, please buy any standard of slides on PremiumSlides.com

Questions about the license?

If you have questions or you are an angency and want to sell our packages to multiple clients contact us.

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